
Showing posts from July, 2018


Pina Colada Cake

One of the things I have missed the most from Greece since living here in the UK for the last 2 years is the full 3 months of summer holidays my children would have. British schools close for a mere 6 weeks, whereas in Greece school is out mid June, until mid September! I feel blessed to have been able to spend all their primary school summers on our tiny little island of Kasos.  My children literally hate me-cannot say I blame them, I sort of hate myself too-for cutting their holidays SO short and this month especially is very difficult for all of us. We are all on autopilot, just waiting for it to end, so that we can get on a plane and spend what is left of the summer on our island. Each year, before departing from Athens to Kasos, I would clean out the pantry and as we would travel to our remote island by boat-16 hours to get there with the fast route, 24 with the slow one-I would load the car with all the forgotten goods I neglected to use during the winter. The year I c...